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battle_box [2008/02/06 19:43] [2022/07/29 15:36] (current) – external edit
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 +====== Battle Box ======
 +A battle box is a case or a box made of [[polycarbonate]] that surrounds the [[Antweight Arena]].  For [[Antweights]] it must be at least 1mm thick, ideally 3mm thick or more.  
 +The purpose of a Battle Box is to stop debris created when parts fly off the robots going into the audience or the [[roboteers]] and potentially harming them.  
 +It is designed to keep the human operators and the spectators safe.  The Battle Boxes surrounding arenas that are designed to take [[spinners]] are significantly thicker than the ones surrounding non-spinner arenas due to the large amounts of high energy flying debris that spinners tend to create when they fight.
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